CeilingConnex is most often seen in residential basements, providing a practical solution for areas that need an accessible ceiling that preserves overhead space. The product is also installed in many commercial and office settings, but we are always looking for new and creative ways to use our ceiling grid system and panels.
Recently, one of the most interesting uses for CeilingConnex came to our attention: theatre sets. That’s right, CeilingConnex has been used to create sets for theatre productions, specifically, for the play Luna Gale, performed at the Seattle Repertory Theatre.

Set Designer: Michael Ganio and Photo by Alan Alabastro
Why CeilingConnex for the Luna Gale Set?
The set designers for Luna Gale had numerous options for the design and creation of their set, so why was CeilingConnex, a product usually used for residential basements or office settings, selected for set walls? It all comes down to versatility and ease of use.
CeilingConnex is a direct mount system, not a drop ceiling. When you install CeilingConnex, the grid that holds the paneling is connected directly to the above joists; there are no hanging wires between the joists and the ceiling panels. The set designer for Luna Gale saw potential in CeilingConnex for walls, as they could be mounted to vertical surfaces just as easily as overhead ceilings. This versatility made them an obvious choice.
The CeilingConnex grid system is also easy to use and adjust. Because they use a two-part system, with an upper and lower T that interlocks yet easily releases, the set designers could fit the system, make adjustments, and construct the vertical walls to the exact style they want.
About Luna Gale
Luna Gale, by playwright Rebecca Gilman, deals with the complex moral issues behind the nation’s social welfare system and looks at deeper questions related to foster care and child advocacy. The story centers around social work veteran Caroline, played by Pamela Reed whose impressive resume includes Parks and Recreation, The Simpsons, and NCIS: Los Angeles. Find out more here: https://www.seattlerep.org/Plays/1516/LG/Synopsis
About the Seattle Repertory Theatre
The Seattle Repertory Theatre has a rich history spanning over 50 years. It has hosted numerous dramas, comedies, and musicals since its founding and has been a stage for famous actors that include Richard Gere, Christopher Walken, Ethan Hawke, and Samuel L. Jackson.
We are proud to be a small part of Luna Gale at the Seattle Repertory Theatre!